Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Are you hurting others by using your words?

Have you ever thought that there is some kind of power for the words what you talk? Sometimes your words can be sweet and love to hear, and also for other time some words will difficult to hear. There is a wonderful power for the words which you share with others in day today life. Words have an ability to catch a person and also to hurt any heart. By talking nice words to anybody, you can be a remarkable person among others.  Your sweet words will encourage some person who really needs. Always try to talk sweet words in a nice way. Saying nice words show your kindness to everyone. 

There are some people who talk by hurting others. That kind of people never think how their words hurt someone's feelings. They do not care others' feelings at all and also they really want to attack others by using unnecessary words. Do not ever talk to someone like that. Some words are irritating when they use in a conversation. Be kind to others when you use words to share your thoughts. Never be a person who likes to hurt others. It won't be a good and nice thing. Think always that others also do not like to hear bad and ugly words same as you. If anyone talks to you in a bad way by using improper words, try to avoid that kind of people from your life. You won't get anything by keeping that type of people with you. Nobody wants to hear improper and sweet less words. And also no one likes to connect with that kind of people.

Your sweet words will help you to heal others' hearts. When you be nice to others, then others will also be nice to you. You have to think of your words before talking to someone. Do not use purposely any words to hurt someone. If your talking pattern is good, it will keep you in a wonderful place among your friends, colleagues, and family. It will help you to be a good person in this society and to build up your dignity. Try to speak in nice ways which others love to hear. People will love you and ready to have your opinions when they need. Then you will see that your value among others. We cannot change others but, we can change ourselves if we really need. Use your ability to change your way and try to see the difference between others. Make sure to start the change from you. Being kind will give you energy for a new beginning. Try to share things in a nice way by using sweet words and experience the same in your life.

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