Monday, August 17, 2015

Pick the best name for your baby as your wish

Everyone parent likes to pick a beautiful name for their baby as they wished. For that they follow many ideas from many persons about the best name. Picking the right name for your child is a daunting task. It will stick with them for life, so the pressure's on! 

And of course, you'll regularly be fending off suggestions from family, friends, and strangers. While it doesn't hurt to be open to ideas, the decision is up to you and your partner. Don't be afraid to say thanks, but no thanks!

There are lots of considerations when you're deciding on a name, such as appeasing relatives, avoiding embarrassing initials or nicknames, and steering clear of monikers associated with bad memories. These are some of the main points to keep in mind:

Sound and compatibility - How your baby's name sounds when it's said aloud is one of the most essential things to think about. Is it melodious? Does it go well with your last name? Often, longer first names work better with shorter last names, and vice versa. Combining a first name that ends in a vowel with a last name that starts with a vowel generally isn't the best choice. Therefore, you have to give the first place for the sound of your baby’s name. The sound of your baby’s name should be clear and attractive.
Uniqueness - An unusual name has the advantage of making the bearer stand out from the crowd. One way of striking a balance is to choose a familiar first name if the child's last name is unusual, and vice versa. It is always better to have a unique name for the first name. Always try to choose a unique name for the baby’s first name. The first name will always highlight among others.

Relatives and friends - Many parents choose to name their babies after a grandparent, other relative or close friend. This option can provide you with a good pool of names to consider. Take ideas graciously, but don't tell anyone what you and your partner have decided until after the baby is born -- when it's too late to give in to any subtle hints. And never let anyone pressure you into a name you don't like. It is up to the parents of the baby. If you are the parent, just consider you and your partner’s choice first of all.

Ancestry and heritage - Your child's heritage is an essential part of who she is, and you may want her name to reflect that. Your religious preference may steer you toward a certain category of names. Or perhaps your family has a tradition of naming first-born sons after their fathers. If you love a name but it doesn't meet your family's traditional requirements, consider using it as a middle name. Or give her the name you prefer and use the traditional name for her middle name.

Meaning - No one is likely to treat your daughter Ingrid differently because her name means "hero's daughter," but the derivation of your baby's name is something you may want to think about. Always give a place for the meaning of your baby’s name. The meaning of the name will give a proper idea about that name.

Initials and nicknames - People, especially kids, can be cruel when it comes to nicknames, so try to anticipate any potentially embarrassing ones.  Remember, none of these are hard rules. The most important criterion for a name is simply that you and your partner like it.

Get an idea about picking the best names for your baby and be happy…..

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